Upon an invitation from H.E. Mor Dionysius John Kawak, the Patriarchal Vicar of the Eastern Archdiocese of United States, the Clergy of the parishes met at Mor Aphrem Center in Paramus, New Jersey, for their Annual Clergy Retreat. The retreat took place from Monday, the 29thof May, till Friday June the 2nd .
Mrs. Pam Hammond, Mrs. Margie Bresko and Mrs.Tania Minas, professional speakers from the Christophers leadership workshop were invited to give interesting and informative lectures about leadership and teamwork. The program included themes that are beneficial for the Clergy. after the workshop, the clergy had some meeting to discus the spiritual growth of their respective parishes and pastoral issues.
Also, The Church Management Software was presented by Mr. Gem Ayaz. And the last session was with Mrs. Jemma Ayaz to present a financial summary and overview about the progress of Syriac Community Hall.
The last day of the retreat was Friday, June 2nd. Clergy and regular Friday parishioners attended the Holy Liturgy, celebrated by Rev. Father Imad Albanna. After which, everybody was invited for a fellowship brunch at the Hall center.