On the occasion of the feast of our great Malphono Mor Ephraim the Syriac, His Eminence Archbishop Mor Dionysius John Kawak, celebrated the Holy Liturgy (Qurobo) at St. Ephraim Church in Central Falls, Rhode Island.
During Holy Qurobo His Eminence ordained the following deacons (shamoshe):
Singers: Noah Aydin, Ephraim Aydin, Malko Hadodo;
Readers: Tony Abed, Simon Aydin, Taj Wehbe, Julian Abed; and,
Sub-Deacon: George Hadodo
His Eminence was assisted by Rev. Father Alan Shaltan (pastor of the church) and Very Rev. Father Aziz Hadodo. In his sermon, His Eminence instructed the newly ordained shamoshe about the real meaning of being a servant of the holy altar. He also thanked Father Alan for his commitment and good service at the church, then he offered congratulations to them and to their families.