On Saturday, February 29th, The Archdiocesan Committee for Suryoyo Family hosted a Spiritual Family Night and invited His Eminence Mor Anthimos Jack Yakoub to give a lecture about the topic “Choose Your God.” He emphasized about the Bible verse (Joshua 24:15) “ But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” His Eminence mentioned we should prioritize Jesus Christ in our household and open our doors for Him to raise a healthy and fruitful family. Archbishop Yakoub also spoke about being proactive in our lives and not to be followers of people but followers of Christ. The lecture was concluded with a Q & A, and ending the night with congratulating His Eminence Mor Anthimos Jack Yakoub on his first year anniversary as a Bishop and Very Rev. Fr. Andrew Bahhi on his priesthood anniversary and Very Rev. Fr. Saliba Alkasis on his priesthood and his monasticism anniversary.