Christian Churches Together

5 Oct

By the blessings of His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak, both Fr Aphram Al-Faham as a speaker and deacon Razek Siriani attended the “Christian Churches Together” 2023 Forum which was held in Savannah-Georgia, October 3-6, under the theme “Waters that unite and waters that divide: Baptism and the journey to unity and reconciliation”.

During the Forum Fr. Aphram presented a study paper about “Baptism as a Sacrament in the Syriac Orthodox Church”. He reflected on Biblical passages, how the the Syriac forefathers defined baptism as a Holy act of renouncing evil and turning to God, and what are the baptismal practices of the Syriac Orthodox church when using water and Holy Crism “Meroun”.

Over the three days of meeting, the 70 participants who represented 29 different church denominations and organizations in the USA of Orthidox, Protestants, and Catholic; shared their perspectives and practices about baptism, learned from and connect with each other’s through study papers and group discussions, and visited local churches and groups.