Sayfo Commemoration 2024

17 Jun

On Friday June 14, 2024, under the Auspices of His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak, and in the presence of their Eminence’s Mor Severios Malki Mourad, Mor Andrawos Bahhi, and local clergy, the Educational Committee invited the three local parishes to a commemoration event honoring the victims of the 1915 (SAYFO) genocide.

Guest lecturer Dr. Charles Häberl shared a powerful presentation on the meaning of genocide and its lingering effects. The evening began with opening remarks by Christa Darakjy of the Educational Programs Committee, followed by a special prayer for the Martyrs (Teshmeshto D’Sohde) and the lecture on the topic “A Lingering Genocide: The Long Edge of the Sayfo” by Dr. Häbrel. After the lecture the floor was open for a Q&A.

The evening’s events emphasized the importance of unity amongst the Syriac people and the longstanding effects of a genocide that occurred 109 years ago.

We commemorate SAYFO on June 15, a date designated by the Holy Synod, as it marks the approximate date two bishops were killed in Tur Abdin. While we remember the atrocities perpetrated against our people over 100 years ago, we also meditate on Christ’s words from His sermon on the Mount: “Love your enemies, and pray for those that persecute you.”