Holy Liturgy | Ordination of Full Deacons

5 Sep

On Sunday, August 4, 2024, at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Paramus, New Jersey, we witnessed a moment of grace and celebration as Their Eminences Mor Dionysius John Kawak and Mor Augeen Alkhouri Nimat celebrated the Holy Liturgy, assisted by V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Chamoun and in the presence of V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Shabo and V. Rev. Fr. Aziz Hadodo. This occasion was also blessed by the ordination of Subdeacon Jack Darakjy and Subdeacon Joseph Shammas to the rank of Full Deacon.

After the Holy Liturgy, the newly ordained full deacons expressed their gratitude. They first acknowledged the immense blessing they had received from God. Their appreciation extended to His Holiness our Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II for his spiritual guidance, and to His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak for the grace-filled ordination ceremony. They also gave their thanks to His Eminence Mor Augeen Alkhouri Nimat for his supportive presence, and to V. Rev. Fr. Joseph Chamoun for the blessings he imparted during the service.

Being ordained as a deacon is an honor and a true blessing. It signifies a commitment to serve the Holy Altar and the Church with devotion and humility. As deacons, both Shamoshe are called to represent the spirit of service that reflects the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We lift our prayers for both Shamoshe, asking that God strengthen them in their roles. May He fill their hearts with dedication to His service and guide them in their sacred duties.