St. Matthew the Hermit | Recital & Festival

14 Sep

On September 13, 2024, His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak, accompanied by Very Rev. Fr. Yakoub Youhanon and Rev. Imad Albanna, attended the recital which was performed by the adult and children’s choirs of the parish of St. Matthew the Hermit on the occasion of the Feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross.

The event began with Father Daniel, the parish priest, welcoming His Eminence, the clergy, and all the attendees, after which the choirs presented a collection of Syriac and Arabic hymns. During the event, Father Yakoub Youhanon offered a reflection titled: “Why the Cross?” At the end of the recital, Archbishop Kawak spoke about the verse of St. Paul the Apostle from Galatians 2:20. Following the recital, His Eminence and the priests inaugurated the festival organized by the church to celebrate this sacred feast.