Youth Bible Study

5 Feb

On Tuesday January 28, Youth Bible Study was held in person at the Mor Aphrem Center and streamed via Zoom. Shamosho Joseph Shammas led a study of The Gospel according to St. Mark chapters 7 & 8, which focused on Jesus healing the deaf-mute man and Jesus feeding the 4,000 out of His compassion.

Shamosho Joseph compared earlier healings of Christ, both physical and spiritual, to the healing of the deaf-mute man. After this, Shamosho compared Jesus feeding the 4,000 in Mark 8 to feeding the 5,000 in Mark 6, as well as the hidden message of the numbers in both miracles. Our gathering was blessed further by a surprise visit from Their Eminences, Mor Dionysius John Kawak and Mor Andrawos Bahhi, where His Eminence Mor Dionysius John invited His Eminence Andrawos to speak to the youth gathered. The Youth then engaged with His Eminence Mor Andrawos, asking various questions about Youth Ministry and how their Youth brothers and sisters in Syria are dealing with the current situation. The joyous evening concluded in prayer and fellowship.