Suryoyto Women’s Group Hospitali-Tea

16 May

With the blessings of His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak, the Suryoyto Women’s Group hosted their first Hospitali-Tea event on Saturday, May 7, 2022, at the Mor Aphrem Center.The event drew Seventy ladies from the local parishes including a leader for each table in addition to nine amazing junior volunteers that served and assisted at each table.The program began with an opening prayer by Very Rev. Fr. Andrew Bahhi, followed by an icebreaker activity, and chanting of a Suryoyo hymn. The ladies then enjoyed an hour of food, socializing and fellowship. The program continued with a spiritual discussion on Proverbs 31 by Dayroyo Andrew and concluded with a Bible Trivia game.The event offered an afternoon of fellowship, worship and encouragement from God’s Word.