Spiritual Night at Mor Gabriel Syriac Orthodox Church

5 Sep

On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, the Youth of Mor Gabriel hosted and invited His Eminence Mor Augeen Alkhouri Nimat, the Patriarchal Secretary, for a Spiritual Night at Mor Gabriel Syriac Orthodox Church in Haworth, New Jersey.

His Eminence delivered a message on the Power of Forgiveness, speaking to both the Youth and Adults present. He explained how forgiveness can heal, restore relationships, and bring inner peace, not just between individuals, but also with God.

His Eminence quoted Micah 7:18 and Matthew 6:12, encouraging everyone to “forgive those who ask our pardon as He is ready to pardon us.” He explained these principles further through the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), illustrating the boundless mercy and grace that forgiveness embodies.

He also shared the wisdom of our Church Fathers, quoting Mor Philoxenus of Mabbug who said, “Despite his sin, the Spirit does not depart from the younger son.” This quote beautifully sums up the living presence of grace.

In closing, His Eminence offered a reminder: “God’s power of forgiveness demands that we forgive others because grace brings responsibility and obligation.”

This conclusion highlights that forgiveness is not just a divine gift but a sacred duty.