Holy Liturgy at St. Matthew’s the Hermit

6 Sep

On Sunday, August 18, 2024, His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak celebrated the Holy Liturgy at St. Matthew the Hermit parish in Sterling Heights, Michigan, assisted by Rev. Fr. Daniel Alkass.

In his sermon, His Eminence reflected on the Parables of the Wheat and Tares, the Mustard Seed, and the Leaven. He emphasized the patience and wisdom of God in allowing both good and evil to grow until the final judgment. He also explained about the power of faith, and that even small beginnings can lead to great outcomes, much like the mustard seed that grows into a large tree.

His Eminence encouraged the faithful to trust in God’s timing, and to conintue in their faith, and understand that their actions, however small, can have a big and lasting impact.

He concluded by reminding everyone that God works in unexpected ways, calling us to be patient, act in faith, and continually strive to positively influence the world around us.